It's a full week today since the Reichenbach family moved to Alp Satteleggli. That's earlier than usual although they had stayed a week longer than normal on Eigen, the lowest pastures. "Satteleggli is like a second home", says There's Reichenbach. "Ernst and I basically never go on vacation, but here it feels like vacationing despite the hard work."
The start on Satteleggli was splendid. The cheese cultures reached the perfect acidity, the cauldron is full of milk, and more than a dozen wheels are already maturing in the cellar. Although it's only mid June in the Bernese Alps there's a lot of grass, the meadows are in full bloom. However, the heat wave over Europe in the last days has started to put some stress on the pastures: "It's very dry, the constant wind does its part, and there is hardly any water left in the fountain." Luckily, there's rain in the forecast.
Soon, Theres and Ernst will become grandparents for the 12th time! All their grandchildren will visit Satteleggli during the summer. It's a big and happy family! And the animals are happy, too.